
今日も"Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized"を読んでいてあんまり盛り上がるところはなかったが以下の部分を取り上げておきたい。

However, there is a frequent tendency to go on to use the primacy of fundamental physics as if classical physics is still the approximate content of fundamental physics. This, we contend, is the basic source of the widespread confusion of naturalism with the kind of ontological physicalism we reject. Classical physics was (at least in philosophers’ simplifications) a physics of objects, collisions, and forces. When ‘fundamental’ physics is interpreted in these terms, as an account of the smallest constituents of matter and their interactions, it seems reasonable to many to think that everything decomposes into these constituents and that all causal relations among macroscopic entities are closed under descriptions of their interactions.
(James Ladyman and Don Ross with David Spurrett and John Collier "Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized" p44)
