
Mooreの"External and Internal Relations"の要約がようやく一通り終わった。とにかく文章がややこしいということ何度か述べたが、極め付けの一文を以下に引用する。

And it will also follow that any such property is grounded in the qualities which the term has, in the sense, that if you take all the qualities which the term has it will again follow in the case of each relational property, from the proposition that the term has all those qualities, that it has the relational property in question; since this is implied by the proposition that in the case of any such property, any term which had not had it would necessarily have been different in quality from the term in question.(p14)

"~which the term has it will again follow in the case of each relational property, from the proposition that~"のあたりが最悪で、まず五語目の"it"が関係代名詞節の目的語なのかif節が終わった後の主節の主語なのかが分かりづらい。そして次に"will again follow~"と動詞が来るわけだが、そのあとに"in the case of each relational property"と副詞節が入って"follow from~"と読むのが難しい。そもそも一文が長すぎる。と文句ばかりになったが論文としては面白いと思う。個物とその間の関係性という点が気にならない人にとってはあまり面白くないと思うけど……。