
今日もScience, Perception, and Realityの"Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man"をうろうろしていた。気になったのが"predictable"と"caused"を分けているこの部分で、はじめそれ以前の部分で言われる"character"と"nature"のことを指しているんだと考えていたが、どうにも違う気がする。

Just as it is important not to confuse between the “character” and the “nature” of a person, that is to say, between an action’s being predictable with respect to evidence pertaining to prior action, and its being predictable no holds barred, so it is important not to confuse between an action’s being predictable and its being caused.
(Sellars, Wilfrid. Science, Perception, and Reality (Kindle の位置No.343-345). Ridgeview Publishing Digital. Kindle 版. )


Thus the behaviour of a burnt child with respect to the fire is predictable, but not an expression of character. If we use the phrase, ‘the nature of a person’, to sum up the predictabilities no holds barred pertaining to that person, then we must be careful not to equate the nature of a person with his character, although his character will be a “part” of his nature in the broad sense.
(Sellars, Wilfrid. Science, Perception, and Reality (Kindle の位置No.320-322). Ridgeview Publishing Digital. Kindle 版. )


To the extent that relationships between the truncated “persons” of the manifest framework were analogous to the causal relationships between persons, the category itself continued to be used, although pruned of its implications with respect to plans, purposes, and policies.
(Sellars, Wilfrid. Science, Perception, and Reality (Kindle の位置No.351-353). Ridgeview Publishing Digital. Kindle 版. )

おそらく因果関係はpersonにおける関係を指している。そしてそれと類推的な意味で、manifest imageにおけるperson以外(truncated “persons”)において因果関係が使われる時、それは計画とか目的というものを意味している。ということは反対に、personにおける因果関係も目的を含んだものと読めるのではないだろうか。この解釈を裏付けるものとして以下の部分が挙げられる。

For my present purposes, the most important contrasts are those between actions which are expressions of character and actions which are not expressions of character, on the one hand, and between habitual actions and deliberate actions, on the other.
(Sellars, Wilfrid. Science, Perception, and Reality (Kindle の位置No.306-307). Ridgeview Publishing Digital. Kindle 版. )
